Monday, July 19, 2010

Count down officially begins...

One month from today is my departure date!!! and there is still SO much for me to do! I am moving out of my apartment in less than two weeks and living on Kelly and Gretchen's couch for two weeks before going to see my parents and flying out of Augusta. I haven't received my staging information yet but it should be getting here very soon! I also let me boss know the last day I will be working. I just can't believe a month from today I will be on a plane flying to the other side of the world... it's a little surreal sometimes! Even though I am totally excited about going to the Philippines I am definitely sad to leave my family, friends and Charleston behind. I have always known that I want to serve in the Peace Corps and this really is the perfect time in my life - done with grad school, have lots of work and volunteer experience, and the job market is not the best. But at the same time, I have a decent job here in Charleston, the best friends anyone could ask for, and I'm living in a beautiful coastal city. I could see myself almost settling down here and am at the point in my life where I guess that makes sense, but when I think about being settled I get the itch to travel and do more. So although I can see two paths my life could take right now, I feel 100% positive that the Peace Corps is the right decision for me and that if I didn't go, I would regret it for sure.

That being said, I really hope to be able to stay in touch with everyone often and people keep asking me if I know where I will be and what kind of internet access I will have. It can be frustrating sometimes to have to tell them I won't know that until probably at least half-way through my training. But that is the Peace Corps way - not knowing and having to wait!

I am starting to really get all of my stuff together that I will need to pack. It's hard to know what is too much and what isn't enough though. And I am really worried that if I don't pack enough/the right clothes I won't be able to find things that fit me in the Philippines (I am probably a lot taller and bigger than most of the girls there). I ordered a pack online though and it's in the mail now so I will just have to see how much stuff I can fit in it! I really want to try to have one bag and one carry-on although they allow us two bags, but I have a feeling I am not being realistic about how much stuff I am going to want to take with me....

31 days and counting!

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